Difficulties Exist To Be Surmounted.....
.....or sold out, blown out, worn out.
Yeah, that is shopgirls day in a nutshell, and we didn't even use any nuts today. Go figure.
Lets begin with todays menu: Burgers w/without cheese, chips, orange slices and cookies with orange and black sprinkles. The sprinkles were a big hit. The kids commented "COOL!, those are Halloween colours". I told them that they were indeed and to wait until next weeks cookies as those sprinkles will prove even cooler!
Lunch is on a pre-order basis. THAT is how we know how many burgers to cook for the day. There can be add-on's which are phoned into the shop by 0930 hours in order to assure that we DO bring enough lunch to feed every child. This should work, EMPHASIS on SHOULD! Today 7 add-ons were phoned into us. We cooked accordingly. The lunch line proved to be a bit of a challenge as we ended up with an additional 11 add-ons IN LINE. Nothing like a good scramble to make sure there is enough food WHILE the kids are in line, eh?
Before leaving the shop today Bro comments " we will have 4 add-ons in line". I should have bet him, because I told him we would have more. We had just enough to feed each child and nothing left over. SOLD OUT! This does not ever happen. I am very happy that we had enough to feed each child and VERY surprised that there was nothing left. No harm, no foul. Lunch life is good. One of the teachers commented to me that as the lunch lady, I am very valuable and that they know to be good to me as well as the school nurse and the receptionist. I guess that this particular teacher knows where her bread is buttered.....literally! giggle!
So, I suppose that if you have made it this far, you would like to know what the "BLOWN OUT" portion of my opening is all about. No guesses? I bet you know if you just think about it. Okay, okay. Those DAMN ovens. The Wolf once again. Now, 1 day before 3 events, is not the time to have ovens become persistently OBSESSED! Those ovens have us in a constant state of distress . We are perpetually paranoid that one or the other of them are not preforming as they are meant to and are just trying out for that whole "decoration only" gig. NOT helpful in the least!
After a few tense minutes, Bro did get the Wolf lit and we were back in business, but were afraid to look in Wolf-the-unpredictible's direction due to the fear we had that there would be some sort of blackmail or backlash, neither of which we had the time for as we had 5 pans of lasagne, 5 pans of vegetarian roast and 2 beef roasts that HAD to be baked. We do not need any more BLOWN OUT days.
"WORN OUT" is fairly easy to decipher. We have been working every day this week to prepare for the events this weekend. The 500 pieces of chicken, the 7 lexans full of cut potatoes and the numerous cakes baked. Today was a flurry of all activity to make sure that everything was ready to go for tomorrow. 6 Lexans were filled with cut zucchini/yellow squash/carrots. The potatoes from yesterday were tossed with oil, salt/pepper and fresh rosemary and roasted. Cakes were frosted and assembled. All in all, it was a good feeling, albeit a very tired good feeling, to walk away knowing that everything had been done in record time and all is ready for tomorrow. Shopgirl is WORN OUT and off to a Sundevils game out of town tomorrow. GO DEVILS!
Scoop ya later,
~ shopgirl
At 20:34,
Anonymous said…
Ok, so ... you had "no child left behind" as far as lunches are concerned - cool!
Sorry to hear about the ovens again ... you don't hear a number of voices when you open them saying "We are legion!", do you? You might still want to consider trying to get a visit from Max von Sydow for an exorcism ... and since you're reasonably close to Hollywood is shouldn't be that hard!
Oh, and you should get a CD with tubular bells on it, just for fun, next time!
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