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......or where is my favorite scoop???
Shopgirl is finally back after a week-long skirmish with a viscious virus that took her down. This is a virus to be avoided at ALL costs. Trust me on this one. Take your vitamins, get plenty of rest and stay away from all little kids who are coughing or sneezing if apropos.
Today was an easy day in the shop. On the Lunch Menu for the day: bean and cheese burrittos, buttered corn, chips and salsa, apple slices, with baked pears for dessert. This is not one of the high demand lunches and we served only 68 hot lunches today. I did, however, notice a change in the juice box preference. It appears that Fruit Punch is the juice of choice and Very Berry came in pretty much dead last. I found this to be interesting and will keep an eye on the juice of choice this week to see if Very Berry is on the outs for now.
Not being able to locate the size 30 scoop was not the tragedy of the day. I have a favorite scoop. It is unique in that it is oval in shape rather than round. I don't know why, but I LOVE this scoop. The calamity is that this scoop seems to have gone MIA. No one in the shop seems to know where it is. No matter that this scoop truly has no exact job in my shopgirl life. I want my scoop back. It's a COOL scoop! If anyone knows the whereabouts of this scoop........

Scoop ya later,
~ Shopgirl
Shopgirl is finally back after a week-long skirmish with a viscious virus that took her down. This is a virus to be avoided at ALL costs. Trust me on this one. Take your vitamins, get plenty of rest and stay away from all little kids who are coughing or sneezing if apropos.
Today was an easy day in the shop. On the Lunch Menu for the day: bean and cheese burrittos, buttered corn, chips and salsa, apple slices, with baked pears for dessert. This is not one of the high demand lunches and we served only 68 hot lunches today. I did, however, notice a change in the juice box preference. It appears that Fruit Punch is the juice of choice and Very Berry came in pretty much dead last. I found this to be interesting and will keep an eye on the juice of choice this week to see if Very Berry is on the outs for now.
Not being able to locate the size 30 scoop was not the tragedy of the day. I have a favorite scoop. It is unique in that it is oval in shape rather than round. I don't know why, but I LOVE this scoop. The calamity is that this scoop seems to have gone MIA. No one in the shop seems to know where it is. No matter that this scoop truly has no exact job in my shopgirl life. I want my scoop back. It's a COOL scoop! If anyone knows the whereabouts of this scoop........

Please Call 1.800.SCO.OP16.
Scoop ya later,
~ Shopgirl
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