The CIA?!?......
......or is there a spy in the shop?
Imagine shopgirls surprise today, while working side by side with Bro (ok, technically we were working across the room from each other but "who's counting"?) and discussing recipe techniques and preparations, when he says to me "well, the CIA Cookbook says to do it this way". THE CIA? Now, for those of you who know me, you must know that the mere mention of anything CIA-ish or clandestine or spylike, caused an immediate adreniline rush to my system. The Spy in me could not even begin to wrap my mind around the thought that the CIA has a Cookbook?
If one could have viewed the inside of my blonde head, one would have seen bouncing around:
1. WHY does the CIA have a Cookbook?
B. Did they COMPILE the recipies from Cloak and Dagger missions?
iii. HOW can I get my OWN copy?
Now, as these questions, among others, are racing around in my head, I whirl around to face Bro and say "THE CIA?" with an incredulous look on my face. He replies, "yes, the Culinary Institue of Arts Cookbook, what did you think I meant?" I of course, now have to admit that I had only considered what was obvious to me: the ACTUAL CIA. This of course sends the poor guy into fits of laughter. Who can blame him? Even he admits that the shop would be fairly boring without me in it daily. As for myself, I felt extremely crushed to have had my visions of the CIA compiling recipes from their covert operations vanish right before my eyes as he held up the now offending Cookbook.
What's a spy-shopgirl gonna do? sigh
On the scoop side of our day, we were a very busy chef and sous-chef. Since we serve no school lunches on Wednesdays, we attempt to spend the day baking. Today, we managed to actually do just that. So, while not really an actual "scoop count" we did prepare and bake off the following list.
3-half sheet pans (13x18x1) Pecan Diamonds
3-half sheet pans (13x18x1) Lemon Squares
6.5 Dozen Mini Pumpkin Breads
6 Bundt-Cake-Size Pumpkin Breads
180 Sugar Cookies cut into Fall shapes (leaves, acorns, squirrels, pumpkins, apples, football helmets and footballs)
Not bad for a days work. We accomplished our list and now have these items put away, ready to go when we need them for a clients order. (or for our own enjoyment when we need a little sweet treat.)
Scoop ya soon,
~ shopgirl
Imagine shopgirls surprise today, while working side by side with Bro (ok, technically we were working across the room from each other but "who's counting"?) and discussing recipe techniques and preparations, when he says to me "well, the CIA Cookbook says to do it this way". THE CIA? Now, for those of you who know me, you must know that the mere mention of anything CIA-ish or clandestine or spylike, caused an immediate adreniline rush to my system. The Spy in me could not even begin to wrap my mind around the thought that the CIA has a Cookbook?
If one could have viewed the inside of my blonde head, one would have seen bouncing around:
1. WHY does the CIA have a Cookbook?
B. Did they COMPILE the recipies from Cloak and Dagger missions?
iii. HOW can I get my OWN copy?
Now, as these questions, among others, are racing around in my head, I whirl around to face Bro and say "THE CIA?" with an incredulous look on my face. He replies, "yes, the Culinary Institue of Arts Cookbook, what did you think I meant?" I of course, now have to admit that I had only considered what was obvious to me: the ACTUAL CIA. This of course sends the poor guy into fits of laughter. Who can blame him? Even he admits that the shop would be fairly boring without me in it daily. As for myself, I felt extremely crushed to have had my visions of the CIA compiling recipes from their covert operations vanish right before my eyes as he held up the now offending Cookbook.
What's a spy-shopgirl gonna do? sigh
On the scoop side of our day, we were a very busy chef and sous-chef. Since we serve no school lunches on Wednesdays, we attempt to spend the day baking. Today, we managed to actually do just that. So, while not really an actual "scoop count" we did prepare and bake off the following list.
3-half sheet pans (13x18x1) Pecan Diamonds
3-half sheet pans (13x18x1) Lemon Squares
6.5 Dozen Mini Pumpkin Breads
6 Bundt-Cake-Size Pumpkin Breads
180 Sugar Cookies cut into Fall shapes (leaves, acorns, squirrels, pumpkins, apples, football helmets and footballs)
Not bad for a days work. We accomplished our list and now have these items put away, ready to go when we need them for a clients order. (or for our own enjoyment when we need a little sweet treat.)
Scoop ya soon,
~ shopgirl
At 20:23,
Anonymous said…
Well, now this is an interesting connection. CIA. And I don't mean the Culinary Institute....
Imagine my frustration when I had to destroy the letter I received from them telling me that they had received my application packet... the one that said "tell no one, and destroy this letter immediately after reading it"
So I did. On the backyard grill ... so I guess there is a CIA connection with cooking ;)
At 20:50,
shopgirl said…
Javaman ~ were ALMOST a spy! What a Coool CIA Cooking Connection! Now say that 3 times, fast! (WEG)
~ shopgirl
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