My Errant Scoop.....
.....or what to do with an unfaithful scoop.
As I am sure you, my enduring audience can surmise, I am referring to my previously mentioned(Back To Scoops...9.26.05) MIA Favorite Oval Scoop. The missing scoop has been found, in the wrong drawer, where I guess it had quite the adventure and picked up a nasty disease or something equally as shocking. I set out today to use it to scoop carrot cake into muffin tins and was dismayed to witness the Scoop fall apart while I was using it. It worked fine before it went MIA and now that it is back, seems to no longer be a Scoop to be trusted. I cannot depend on a Scoop that will fall apart on me in the middle of a task, to say nothing of the fact that I can't have pieces of it ending up in the carrot cake. THAT would be very bad for business for a client to find errant scoop parts within a tasty treat.
The Oval Scoop is now under house arrest until we decide what to do with it. Bro and I discussed that perhaps we will have a shop "Hall of Shame", which will be the tiny wall above the entry-way between the sandwich station and the kitchen. This was after I told Bro that the scoop was no longer to be trusted as it was now in my eyes, Unfaithful. He responded by laughing so hard he had a coughing fit, complete with tearing eyes. When he recovered enough to talk, he looked at me, pointing towards the front door and said "GET OUT!", with an obvious twinkle in his eye. We laughed about this off and on for the remainder of the day.
We began our day by putting lunch in order. Todays menu: Corn Dogs, Chips, Orange Slices and Sugar Cookies. Surprisingly enough, NO Brown Bag lunches today. We prepared 130 Corn Dogs and had only 2 left at the end of lunch. That's a lot of Corn Dogs. Lunch today was Fast and Furious, as I have previously mentioned, due to the fact that all the kids eat at the same time on Fridays. We somehow managed to keep up with the demand, inspite of it all. On the Juice front, Very Berry seems to still be on the "no thanks" list.
Once we had lunches ready to go, we made Carrot Cake, which was divided between two cake pans and 36 muffin tins.
After lunch, we took a field trip to a Cake Decor Store. Wow! What a cool store! 3 complete rooms of nothing but cake/cookie/candy pans, decor and ideas.
Once back at the shop I baked off 135 assorted pnut butter, choco chip and choco chip with pecan cookies.
That is the Readers Digest Condensed version of shopgirl's day. Hope you enjoyed todays adventures.
Scoop ya soon!
~ shopgirl
As I am sure you, my enduring audience can surmise, I am referring to my previously mentioned(Back To Scoops...9.26.05) MIA Favorite Oval Scoop. The missing scoop has been found, in the wrong drawer, where I guess it had quite the adventure and picked up a nasty disease or something equally as shocking. I set out today to use it to scoop carrot cake into muffin tins and was dismayed to witness the Scoop fall apart while I was using it. It worked fine before it went MIA and now that it is back, seems to no longer be a Scoop to be trusted. I cannot depend on a Scoop that will fall apart on me in the middle of a task, to say nothing of the fact that I can't have pieces of it ending up in the carrot cake. THAT would be very bad for business for a client to find errant scoop parts within a tasty treat.
The Oval Scoop is now under house arrest until we decide what to do with it. Bro and I discussed that perhaps we will have a shop "Hall of Shame", which will be the tiny wall above the entry-way between the sandwich station and the kitchen. This was after I told Bro that the scoop was no longer to be trusted as it was now in my eyes, Unfaithful. He responded by laughing so hard he had a coughing fit, complete with tearing eyes. When he recovered enough to talk, he looked at me, pointing towards the front door and said "GET OUT!", with an obvious twinkle in his eye. We laughed about this off and on for the remainder of the day.
We began our day by putting lunch in order. Todays menu: Corn Dogs, Chips, Orange Slices and Sugar Cookies. Surprisingly enough, NO Brown Bag lunches today. We prepared 130 Corn Dogs and had only 2 left at the end of lunch. That's a lot of Corn Dogs. Lunch today was Fast and Furious, as I have previously mentioned, due to the fact that all the kids eat at the same time on Fridays. We somehow managed to keep up with the demand, inspite of it all. On the Juice front, Very Berry seems to still be on the "no thanks" list.
Once we had lunches ready to go, we made Carrot Cake, which was divided between two cake pans and 36 muffin tins.
After lunch, we took a field trip to a Cake Decor Store. Wow! What a cool store! 3 complete rooms of nothing but cake/cookie/candy pans, decor and ideas.
Once back at the shop I baked off 135 assorted pnut butter, choco chip and choco chip with pecan cookies.
That is the Readers Digest Condensed version of shopgirl's day. Hope you enjoyed todays adventures.
Scoop ya soon!
~ shopgirl
At 09:09,
shopgirl said…
ebearic ~
So true, one never knows what happens when a scoop dissappears for weeks on end only to end up reappearing in a drawer that was thoroughly searched.
~ shopgirl
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