Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Dec 18, 2005

She Bakes.... home.

Go figure. *shrugs*

My offerings for today:

Sparklers ~ Peanut Butter Temptations

The red and green "sparkler" cookies are a cookie from my childhood. I began to bake them myself when I had children. I am sure that my children will bake them for their children in time.
The other cookie is a peanut butter cookie that I have been baking since finding the recipe in a teen magazine when I was about 13. (geez..that was about a million years ago!) Peanut Butter Temptations is one of my most requested cookie and I can never seem to bake enough of them.

I also made a cream cheese cut out cookie dough which The Boy and I will bake off and decorate tomorrow after I get home from work. It will be fun. We enjoy being creative with the cookies.

Scoop ya soon,

~ shop-baker-girl


  • At 19:58, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Those sparkle cookies are nice, I wish I could have some :)

    Those PB cookies look very much like the pecan cups my mother used to make...


  • At 17:20, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Shop girl... Would love to have the secret recipe for the NUTBALLS... for veggie fiend coming to christmas dinner! That and peanut cookie thingie...
    Yumm maybe that's what yr site needs the recipes to these goodies you keep teasing us with!
    it's me Tree!!


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