Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Dec 17, 2005


Wasted Words
~ b.l.h.

Wasted writings written full of words
like forever, love, and smitten
Cautiously calling out to one
whose name is Pookey, Doll Face, or Kitten

Words waste away wallowing on a page,
stuck as an animal in a cage
Helplessly hollering for the word ‘Action’,
their chance for center stage

Pages mellowing and yellowing stuffed away
in a box tucked beneath a bed
Thoughts and words silently silenced,
once acted upon now lingering near dead

Their author, not a smile upon his face,
hurries through life long forgot about the race
Once entwined with heat and passion
now they are strange passing strangers in space

Their target aimlessly wonders opening a box covered with dust
not wanting to read but she must
Tears stain the wasted written writings
as yesterday plays through her head full of love and lust

Yesterday’s treasure, today’s resentment,
tomorrow’s torment echos with each word that she reads
A days gone by smile fades as the future calls,
back to their dusty home the wasted words recede.

~ shopgirl out


  • At 07:27, Blogger shopgirl said…


    I always wondered about this song. (btw, I am a closet "fanilow". *giggle)

    Whats it all mean? Does it really matter? If its gone, is it gone? If the feeling is being forced, is it worthwhile? Questions worth pondering?

    ~ Shopgirl

  • At 20:47, Blogger shopgirl said…

    But if he still loves her, how did he lose the feeling? If something happened that was so bad that he lost it, why would he want it back? Why is he so intent on finding it again? It makes no sense to me. He clearly states that it has dissappeared. Hypothetically, of course.

    ~ shopgirl

  • At 15:03, Blogger shopgirl said…

    Ebearic ~

    Interesting take. Perhaps its all the end result of a total lack of understanding?

    I read the lyrics and I see that he had the shivers and quivers when she would walk in, but he no longer does. He struggles to regain that.

    It is possible after it is gone?

    ~ shopgirl


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