WTF Wednesday.......
.......or Laughter,Fortunes and Guns.
"Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life"
Bro and I laugh. We laugh often. There are times when Rog comes to the edge of the room just to witness the hilarity that seems to ensue when Bro and I are working. He just shakes his head and walks away most of the time, probably thinking to himself: WTF?!?. Poor guy, we are rarely laughing at him, we just find life and its pitfalls amusing.Today during lunch, we got to laughing so hard that we truly thought Rog was gonna put us out of the shop. We were loud and unruly, but we were having a good time. What caused the laughter? Well, its difficult to figure out hours later but Bro and I had spent the morning shopping. (hey, a shopgirls dream, i get paid even when i go shopping with him!) We are decorating the shop for the holidays and wanted to put up stockings for everyone in the shop.
My brilliant idea was to put up oven mitts rather than stockings because we DO work in a kitchen. Bro loved this idea, until we started looking for 7 different holiday oven mitts. At about the 8th store he began to say " oh sure...lets put up oven mitts instead of stockings", mocking me and pretending to be annoyed. As IF I was buying that he was annoyed. It really was getting pretty funny to not find any in some stores at all. The 10th store was the charm and we found exactly what we were looking for!
On the way back to the shop we stopped for Chinese Take Out for lunch. Yummy! Now, WTF kind of Chinese Take Out makes you buy your fortune cookies separate? Well, apparantly the most popular Chinese Take Out around, so I guess they can do whatever they damn well please, eh? I bought a bag of 10 fortune cookies. I use the term "fortune" lightly, because when all was said and done, I ended up with more helpful advice than I did actual fortunes complete with my lottery numbers.
So, how many fortune cookies does shopgirl have to open before she gets what she considers to be the REAL fortune? The picture below should give you an idea.

Yes, you are seeing correctly. I had to open 5 cookies before I got the following.

Now, WTF is the top fortune telling me I will have fortune? A bit redundant, dontcha think? And is the second one calling me LAZY? To think that I paid actual monies for these things. WTF?
Yeah, yeah, shopgirl opened 6 fortune cookies. Bro opened 4. He got a REAL fortune in his first cookie, which of course made the remaining cookies a challege. Yes, we are CRAZY! Don't you wish you could work with us? *giggle*Oh, I suppose you want to know about the GUN portion of my day, don't you? I commute every day. My commute takes me about 55 minutes, give or take. Today was no different but there was a little excitement on the side of the freeway about half an hour into my commute. Traffic began to slow in an unusual place and as I continued my drive I see why. Off on the right shoulder I see 4 Highway Patrol Cars with lights flashing and Highway Patrolmen, standing behind their opened car doors with GUNS DRAWN!!! In the car in front of the HP Cars, was a lone guy, sitting, staring straight ahead, while the Patrolmen proceeded to yell at him. I have no idea how this played out because they did not have the freeway closed down, nor have I been able to find anything about it on ANY news. WTF? Don't they know that shopgirl is on a Need To Know Basis and she NEEDS to know.
scoop ya soon,
~ shop-laughing-girl
At 19:21,
Anonymous said…
those fortunes sound like the old spy messages - "the chair is against the wall" LOL
About the guns drawn, I can only say WOW! Amazing. FOUR CHP's? I wonder what he did?! ...
So, enquiring minds want to know .....
9mm's or .45's?
Sorry, I just couldn't resist
At 19:24,
shopgirl said…
Guns ----> BIG! That's all I got. I am NOT the shell answer man.
~ shopgirl
At 19:28,
Anonymous said…
Ah, .45's then .... ;)
Well, at least you got past before any thing happened beyond them being drawn - oh, wait, DRAWN! was it pencil art or crayon? (sorry, I couldn't resist)
Well, I know you're not the shell answer man, silly shopgirl
At 19:30,
shopgirl said…
HOW do you know? They were the big guns you can see sticking up when you look behind you and you notice that the CHP is following you and your heart jumps cuz you know that he knows you are going well beyond the posted speed limit.
~ shopgirl
At 19:45,
Anonymous said…
Oh, you mean the one that is about to pass you at 5-10mph faster than you? ;)
At 19:46,
shopgirl said…
YUP, thats the one!
~ shopgirl
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