It "B" Tuesday........
.....or Brownies, Bananas and Brrrr!
So, the hood motor is indeed fixed as of about 9 am this morning. Thank goodness cuz we all know I have Brownie Bites to bake. (say that 5 times fast,k?) I go about my normal routine to mix the brownies, its pretty much a no-brainer even for the blonde and yet, since I am blogging about it, something must have gone right, yes? OF COURSE something did. I added the mix, the water, the oil and set it to mix in the ginormous mixer. I stop the mixer to scrape the sides and that is when I notice that the mixture just doens't look right. I call Bro, who says that Shopgirl must have left something out. Okay guys, there are only THREE (3) things to put in the mixer and shopgirl is POSITIVE she put them all in. We decided to add a bit more water and oil and go for it.
After doing so, the mix looks as it normally does, but we will soon find out that all is not normal in Brownie Bite World. I set them to bake and upon opening the oven after the timer went off, the brownie bites appeared to be baked and yet, as I pulled them out of the oven, the centers sank in on itself! WTF? I KNEW something was not right with the mix and I should have dumped it when I first figured that out rather than wasting my time with the sub-par mix.
WhatEVER! We axed the brownies for the day and moved on to serving little lemon cakes for dessert. I caught a bit of flack for the lack of brownie bites in the lunch line today. SIGH!
The lunch line was fun today in spite of the threatened anarchy due to the missing brownie bites. Lunch fruit is either apples or oranges, unless it is Breakfast for Lunch day, when we serve fruit salad. The kids know this. Today, I had a surprise for them with the offering of a half Banana for their fruit. It was fun to see the surprise. "huh? a banana?" "BANANAS....SUUWEEET!" and then of course, the naysayers "I don't like bananas". LOL! In quizzing the kids today, the consensus is that the Banana should make a repeat appearance. It is no more expensive to put out the bananas, so Bro agreed that we would indeed add the bananas to the rotation. The kids will be very happy.
Seems that today is all about lunch. It is COLD now. (hush, and you know who you are. It IS cold here.)I have a hoodie in my car. Its cute with a TIGGER on it straight from the Happiest Place on Earth. One would think that I could remember to bring it from my car when I go into the shop every morning. NO, that would be smart and keep me warm. (Shopgirl <-- rolling eyes) The thing is, when I get to work and out of the car, I am not cold in the short time it takes me to get from the car to the shop. Once I am in the shop, I am way too busy and its nice and warm due to the ovens. I don't remember my hoodie until I have lunch up at the school, all set up,and have down time waiting for the kids to show up. SIGH! Luckily there is the sun to warm me or the oven in the kitchen. That is where one can find the Lunch Lady if she is not at the tables serving lunch.
Scoop ya sooner,
~ shop-frozen-girl
At 18:48,
Anonymous said…
Could you please define cold???
At 20:15,
Anonymous said…
Speaking of cold, it was 39 degrees here at 5 pm ... and clear skies ... you do know what that means? LOL
To quote on of my favorite musicians:
"It's cold, and it's gettin' colder!, It's grey and white and winter all around"
and it was almost white this morning :)
But thanks for quoting another favorite musician... "baby it's cooold outside"
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