
107 served today, with a smile! (kinda makes you wonder what shopgirls day was like since she begins todays episode with what appears to be a bit of a disclaimer, eh?)
As I have mentioned previously, Lunch is prepared and delivered based on a prepay system which allows us to provide enough food for everyone who wants lunch. This system should work. It mostly does work. That said, there seems to be an issue with the Pre-School Teacher. She seems to think that we don't send enough lunches down to PK on purpose. Okay, thats all fine and good but HELLO!?!
- PK lunches are packed up in the serving area and are TAKEN down to PK.
- This is a service we provide to make life easier for the PK teacher, NOT because we get our jollies treking anywhere from 18 to 30 lunches across the school grounds.
- Show some freaking gratitude and be aware that we only send enough for what is in our records or what is called into the shop each morning.
Refer to the above pic and take note or if one prefers to be rude and nasty then they could be subject to the following consequences.

Todays lunch menu: Rice and Chicken bowls with teriyaki sauce, Broccoli, Orange Slices, Carrot Sticks and Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Buttercream Frosting. YUMMY!
We were quite busy at the shop this morning working on both school lunch as well as prepping a bit for a couple of events for later in the week. In addition to prepping the rice/chicken hot lunch, shopgirl also made 17 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Brown Bag lunches. 175 assorted cookies to be baked. I put together a dessert plate with 4 choco chip, choco chip with pecans, peanut butter cookies, 1 dozen brownies and 1 dozen lemon bars for an event tomorrow morning. The other cookies will be used this weekend for a bus trip that the shop provides box lunches for.
Shopgirl needs a drink, can I get one for anyone else while I am up?
Scoop ya later,
~ shopgirl
At 18:25,
shopgirl said…
hey ebearic,
Do NOT piss me off!
JD on the rocks coming up.
~ shopgirl
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