....... or how many baked goods can shopgirl produce in 3 hours?
Today was a solo baking day for shopgirl. Bro and Rog were to go out of town to a Food Show and I had my list waiting for me. I was able to bake lunch dessert for Thursday and Friday of this week, as well as for next Tuesday. In addition, I did an experimental bake-off and replenished the supply of fresh choco-chip cookies. I had a good day.
FIRST UP: Chocolate Chip cookies both with and without pecans.
70 Chocolate Chip cookies baked.

SECOND: Sugar cookies for Friday lunch dessert. I put Halloween sprinkles on these, a mixture of black cats, orange pumpkins and white ghosts.
THIRD: Chocolate Cupcakes for Thursdays lunch dessert. I used Halloween cupcake papers to make them more festive. The kids will love that added touch.
118 Chocolate Cupcakes baked.

FOURTH: Brownie Bites for next Tuesday's lunch dessert. These freeze well and will be just fine when I serve them next week.
FIFTH: This is the experimental cookie. I have made this cookie many times but was instructed to fill them, roll them into balls and then in coloured sugars and then place them in the freezer prior to baking in hopes that they would retain more of their "ball" shape in the baking process. As you can see by the flat cookies, the retaining their "ball" shape didn't so much happen. The empty spot on the bottom sheet pan was where the "test cookie" was taken and tested to make sure that they still taste good, even in their flattened condition. Back to the drawing board on that whole thing I guess.
48 Yellow/Orange "Ball" cookies baked.

Since shopgirl does not do the math, I have no idea how many baked goods total, or how many per hour. Any calculations will be left up to you, my tortured but loyal readers. (WEG!)
I had a good day today, left work earlier than I normally do and did some shopping. Got home and sat down to blog and discovered that not only was my internet down but so was my cable tv. It is never a good sign when the Cable Guy replies "OH NO!" when you reply "yes" to his question about the town you live in. SIGH! I actually should have spent the time cleaning my house, but decided that I would crop pictures in hopes that I would be able to post an entry tonight and had a nice phone chat. House is still not cleaned but cable was restored and all is well now in Shopgirl's world.
scoop ya soon,
~ shopgirl
scoop ya soon,
~ shopgirl
At 12:24,
Anonymous said…
That's 505 scoops by my count, and 168.3333333 scoops per hour... or 2.805555555555555 scoops per minute - there's the math for yah.
Go forth and scoop some more ;)
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