.......turn into flooded days and tuesdays.
Neither are among shopgirls favorites unless I do not have to go out on the roads. Now, one would think that they engineers that design roadways would be able to figure out that if there is a low-lying wash, that if there is a lot of rain either locally or in the mountains, at some point that wash is going to flood. So why exactly do we build roads that go THROUGH washes, rather than bridges that go OVER washes? That is, of course, a rhetorical question. All I know is that 4 out of 6 possible ways to get my son to and from school are now closed due to rushing water in the washes. This, without a doubt causes major traffic on the 2 routes that are left because we are ALL using them to get our kids to and from school. An under 10 minute trip from my house, drop off the kid and get on the freeway turned into a good 25 minutes this morning. This does not make for a happy shopgirl.
Once I finally got to the shop, a half hour later than normal, I found that Bro had already put the Chicken Nuggets in the oven and baked them off for todays lunch. He also had the Mac-n-Cheese in the oven heating. Both unexpected and very nice surprises. I was quite appreciative.
I did however feel the need to vocalize with much expression, my displeasure concerning my morning commute. Bro, being the good sport that he is listened intently for a time and then dissappeared from the room only to return and hand me this:

Without missing a beat and grinning at him I accepted his offering and replied, "thanks, I really needed something to go with my whine!". The room erupted in laughter and we got back to work, giggling and joking as is our norm.
Lunch, while busy, was relatively uneventful until the older kids arrived on the scene. A group of rowdy and rude Student Council Members pushed to the front and were politely asked to step back and discuss with me their needs. I was greeted with a very indignant reply from one boy who informed me that arrangements HAD been made for them to go to the head of the line for lunch. I calmly told him that I do not have a problem making the exception, but that no one had made any arrangments with me and I am the one that needs to be in the loop in the future. (perhaps this young man needs to see the shirt which suggests that he "always be nice to the lunch lady") Once the R&R crowd was fed and sent on their way, the final bits of lunch continued with no further incidents.
142 total lunches were provided today.
Todays menu: Macaroni-n-Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Vege Nuggets, Celery and Carrot Sticks, Apple Slices and Brownie Bites. Brown Bag lunch was Turkey with Lettuce and Cheese, Carrots, Apple and Brownie Bite.
The previously mentioned and pictured Candy Corn Pots were a hit at the shop. So much so that when Mom saw the one I brought Bro, she wanted to know why I did not paint one for her. I offered her the one I brought into the shop, told Bro I would bring mine from home to him and would then paint a couple more this weekend. Mom took hers to her office filled with a carmel corn/candy corn/m&m mixture. I have since picked up a couple more pots which I will paint this weekend.
Scoop ya later,
At 17:44,
Anonymous said…
Ok, you really need to space these out ... but I suppose I should be thankful, since I only have to clean the monitor once.
Sounds like it was an interesting day.
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