...... or shopgirl-scoops-a-lot!
Friday lunches are to be feared, not because we serve anything that is all that frightening, but because in 15 minutes or less we fed 130 kids. This would not be so terrifying if the upper grade girls did not have the need to bring along their "support group" to the lunch line. As we are pulling out the last bits of lunch that we have prepped to serve, the last thing we need to see is a huge grouping at the end of the line. Now, you all know that shopgirl is not fond of the whole math thing, but when she sees this, panic has been known to ensue as she attempts to match lunch needs with the kids still in line. SIGH! I swear these kids are out to get me. That being said, I recall my grade school years when that support group was a part of my daily life. Girls go in groups for a reason and NO, I am not going to reveal that reason here. Sorry guys! (WEG!)
On Friday 130 lunches were served: hotdogs, apples slices, bags of chips, tuna sandwiches, whole apples, sugar cookies with pumpkin sprinkles.
Once back at the shop we set about prepping for the weekend events. We had already begun prepping for a catering for 25 which was to be onsite at 1430. The Menu was Stuffed Mushrooms, Palmers, which is a puff pastry filled with bell peppers, green onion and bleu cheese, zucchini bites and a fruit platter. Once that was sent out, we began to prep as much as we could for the weekend in which there were 4 events on the books. Breakfast for 80 Saturday morning, Lunch for 20 Saturday afternoon, Wedding Reception for 65 Saturday evening and Box Lunches due to be picked up at 8 AM Sunday morning. Busy, Busy, Busy.
Fridays Scoop Report:
340 mushrooms stuffed with spinach/garlic/cheese stuffing
96 zucchini bites scooped
48 mini thin mint cheese cakes (96 total scoops)
5 large thin mint cookie cheesecakes (95 total scoops)
60 mini pumpkin cheesecakes (120 total scoops)
3 large pumpkin cheesecakes (63 total scoops)
135 hotdogs
381 apples slices
130 bags of chips
5 tuna sandwiches
3 whole apples
130 sugar cookies with pumpkin sprinkles
630 assorted frozen cookies transferred for safe freezing.
4.5 pans vegetarian roast (each mixing requiring 15 (30 total) beaten eggs, 1 (3 total) huge container cottage cheese, seasonings, 2 (6 total) cups butter/onion mixture, 2 (6 total) cups chopped Pecans and 17 (51 total) cups Special K Cereal.)
Shopgirl is happy to have a couple days off. I hit the shop running 5 days a week and don't stop for a good 7 hours per day. Yesterday was a 9 hour day, no wonder I was too tired to record the days events. Even today, I am not sure I recall it all. I am really busy, but at least it keeps me out of trouble, eh? Or does it????
Scoop ya soon,
~ shopgirl
At 16:45,
Anonymous said…
OMG ... that's 4.12 scoops/minute ... you were FLYIN' Shopgirl! - and it had to be even faster than that, because that's calculated at 9 hours straight! You weren't scooping for the time you went to actually serve!
So when do we guys find out?
I hope you do recover this weekend... that's a lotta scoops!
At 16:52,
shopgirl said…
FLYIN' is right! Bro's partner commented at dinner last night that he came into the kitchen once, saw how fast we were working and was frightened and decided it was best to stay out of our way. Smart man, eh?
Never! That would be breaking a code. You MEN! are not the only ones with codes, ya know.
TY for the recovery wishes.
~ shopgirl
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