........or that is SO NOT going to fit through the door!
Bro is in need of ovens. The renegade ovens have been behaving quite nicely since they had a visit from the gas man. They are not the reason we are in need of ovens. We bake in the shop. We bake a LOT! Bro has, in his shop, a double stack oven which does not work and my son fondly refers to as the "cremator". Bro is also a FANTASTIC ebay-er and found, for a fraction of the cost, a double stack oven which while not new has only been used for about an hour a week for the past couple years. This is a GREAT find. Bro and Rog picked up the new oven last night.
Cut to today.
The tasks at hand were to:
1. bring the new oven in.
B. take the cremator out.
iii. bring in a freezer that was being stored at his house.
At this point, ALL has been accomplished. NONE of it without its trials, tribulations and frightening moments. Shopgirl has had a day!
Big ovens + small door = THAT is NOT going to fit through the door. Dad and Rog began the task of taking the door off and apart and ripping the jamb off, piece by piece. sigh!
Putting aside the fact that they almost took out dad with the cremator (bad irony here, eh?) they also thought it would be a good idea to have shopgirl outside helping to brace this huge 800 lb oven with Bro while taking it off the truck using the lift. Shopgirl is mostly for decoration only. I thought that they understood this. giggle!
The adventure did have its humour. At one point, no make that at two points, the new double-stack got stuck in the door opening. Now, this might not seem to be all that funny, but half the guys were on the outside, the "for decoration only" shopgirl and Rog stuck on the inside. This is the ONLY way in OR out of the shop. Sigh! shopgirl has had a day!
All is well in oven-land now. I can't wait to bake in the new ovens! Each oven can hold eight (8) full size sheet pans. THAT, my friends, is a huge quantity of whatever it is I am baking off.
Lunch today was breakfast.
The menu: Scrambled Eggs, French Toast Sticks w/ syrup, Fruit Salad and Mini Powdered Sugar Doughnuts. Yummy! Final lunch count was 116. That translastes into 156 eggs, 400 French Toast Sticks, 104 Scoops of Fruit Salad and 232 Mini Powdered Doughnuts.
Shopgirl is beat and emotionally scarred due to the whole OVEN incident. I did NOT sign up for Bro and Rog's Excellent Adventures.
As I am sure you have figured out, Shopgirl is in dire need of a drink or three (3).
Scoop ya later,
~ shopgirl
At 18:58,
Anonymous said…
OMG! have you had a day! Heck, I'll, pour you a drink or 3!
But I am sure you will be very happy with that new oven! It's amazing what you can find on EBay, huh?
I do think it's funny, tho - it sounded like a keystone cops routine!
Congratualtions, on your new equipment.
At 19:04,
shopgirl said…
J ~
Keystone Cops! That is very close to what it was like at times. In the midst of it all, we all kept our humour, which is SO very important.
~ shopgirl
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