......or when confronted with two (or three) evils; choose the blonde.
Why, you ask? Cuz she is always good for a laugh or 3.
Lets start with BURGERS. 142 to be exact. Cooked, topped with cheese or without,bunned and wrapped in yellow or white paper and transported to school lunch. Not a bad morning, just a LOT of burgers. 142 wrapped in about 40 minutes. Seems to shopgirl that it should take at least as long to serve them up as it does to prep them, but on FAST and FURIOUS FRIDAY, that is just not going to be the case, EVER. Lunch was served to 120 in under 30 minutes.
Lets move on to BERRIES. STRAW-BERRIES to be exact. To be dipped in white chocolate and ready for pick up @ 2. The BERRIES proved to be the BANE of the shop existence this morning as the chocolate did not seem to want to cooperate. After Bro regrouped and redid the chocolate a number of times, he finally had what he needed, BERRIES were dipped and all was well in shopgirl's world. The BERRIES looked wonderful!
Now on to BLINKERS. When Bro moves the van out front so that we can load it up for my trek to serve lunch, he always puts the emergency BLINKERS on. This is not a problem normally. I always turn off the emergency BLINKERS and turn on my left turn BLINKER so that I can merge into traffic and then make a left turn. As I am merging, I hear the BLINKER noise and think nothing of it. That is UNTIL I have made my turn and the BLINKER SHOULD be off. NO, its not off and I can't for the life of me figure out why I can still hear the noise. LOL! I finally figure out its the emergency BLINKERS and hit the button again. And again, and again. WTF? I am BLINKER turning off defective today. Shopgirl is truly laughing out-loud at this point and finally gets the damn thing shut off.
After I return from F&F Friday lunch and get things cleaned up, Bro and I proceed to prep what we can for the weekend. This included baking off chocolate chip cookies (90 total), making a cranberry sauce for a cranberry pork he has prepared for an event and scooping the dreaded zucchini bites. 5 pans full. (540 total bites, but at least Bro scooped with me, which is always fun!)
At one point, Bro went out for Pumpkin Spice drinks at Starbucks, which was a good call cuz shopgirl was very scatterbrained and they seemed to think that coffee would help. Shopgirl totally enjoyed the drink, but it certainly did NOT help her scatterbrainedness. (Is that even a word?) SILLY BOYS!
Shopgirl is beat and needs a drink refill. Anyone else need one while I am up?
Scoop ya sooner or later,
~ shopgirl
At 16:01,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I missed you this day... but I know this blonde, and she is far from evil - but I'll choose her anyway - ANY day of the week ;)
At 16:29,
shopgirl said…
You just never know about that shopgirl. She is evil...and yet not so much. Its all a subterfuge to keep you people on your toes.
~ shop-evil-girl
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