Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Oct 31, 2005


......but no TRICKS!

My offerings to the cute little beggars consisted of bubble gum, roly pops, willy wonka nerds, lemon heads and laffy taffy.

The turn out was a bit dissapointing and I have candy left. This is never good. I didn't realize that my last group was indeed my LAST group or I would have emptied the bowl into their bags.

Halloween pumpkin art:

The Friendly Ghost carved into a white pumpkin.

Flame Face carved into a traditional pumpkin is courtesy of the boy.

scoop ya later,

~ spookgirl


  • At 18:22, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Geez, I love that white ghost one. The orange one is great, too! ... Man, your halloween was probably sooooo much better than mine... I saw a "real" witch (as you know) and a few goblins.



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