Thursday Thirteen.....
.....things I will do on my roadtrip to SLO.
- Pick up our "usual" roadtrip meal:chicken mcnuggets and fries.
- Hit LA traffic.
- Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! (its all so very funny when on a roadtrip)
- Listen to the boy's music. (luckily we have similar tastes in music for the most part)
- Stop in Oxnard for Krispy Kreme's.
- Try to be the first to see the ocean. (I do tend to cheat, pointing the opposite way and saying "firetruck" when we get close)
- Honk the car horn when going through the tunnel at Gaviota.
- Play the cow game. (I tend to cheat here as well, waiting until I see a lot of cows on my side of the car before asking to play)
- Hit Santa Barbara traffic.
- Count the road bumps on the bridge in Santa Maria. (there are 30. We count every trip to make sure they haven't taken one out or added one in. *giggle*)
- Do something "blonde" that will cause the boy to laugh at me. (SO not difficult to do. This will probably occur more than once and at some point cause the boy to shoot coke out his nose.)
- Eat gummy worms and Mini M&M's. (not at the same time. Thats gonna make your gummy worms have a strange texture.)
- Reminisce
~ what do YOU do on a roadtrip?
At 20:06,
Anonymous said…
Road Trip.
Since it's usually of the 18 hour variety....
1 pillows and blankets... never enough
2 coffee. Tim Hortons of course
3 don't have a CD player in the pre-millenial car so TAPES... (don't laugh we had an 8-tracks during the 1987 road trip from SK to CA!!!( Grateful Dead LOTS of deadheading... she rolls eyes)
4 potato chips lots of potato chips
5 count road kill - decide which would be best for the bbq
6 no bridges... count houses with those curvy roof lines in Quebec
7 stop at Herbs for milkshakes.. coming and going
8 Stop at McD's for breakfast and refresh the coffee at Tim's ( see #2)
9 ask at least ten times.. "are we outta New Brunswick yet?"
10 stop at favourite ice cream stand just near Nova Scotia
11 license game
12 math game with the mileage signs ( somes with spousal unit being teacher BO_RING)
13 stop at chicken burger before rolling into grandma's house
what can I say... we have food on the brains..
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