Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Aug 2, 2006

WTF Wednesday !?!

Any Idea what this sign means?

I think it means that if you are sitting down with your lap on fire, this other guy is going to stand there holding a blank sign. Could be that other guy is holding that big blank sign to protect his own lap from catching on fire as well.

Notice there isn't the circle with the slash through it, indicating that you should not catch your lap on fire.


~ whatcha got?


  • At 17:50, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The guy on the ground caught his lap on fire at a bonfire or BBQ...the other guy is being helpful and is about to throw a towel or blanket on it to put it out.

    Duh! :-)

  • At 00:20, Blogger shopgirl said…

    HEH HEH!

    Good answers!

    Thanks for playing my silly game!


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