Never Run Out Of Yellow.....
......or that is NOT a Cheeseburger.
Fast and Furious Friday today was all about the Burgers. Burgers wrapped in white or yellow paper. Plain in white, Cheese in yellow. So what happens when you run out of yellow wrappers before you are finished wrapping the Cheeseburgers? You improvise and wrap them in the only other papers you have and you mark them with a BIG C to indicate cheese. Sound reasonable? It certainly did to Bro and myself this morning. We didn't have time to go out for more yellow and I am all about being solutions based if I can.
Cut to the lunch line. Imagine, if you will, a long line of children and the constant repeating, Yes, I KNOW its in a white paper but I promise you it IS a cheeseburger. These poor confused children. I had to resort to unwrapping a couple to prove the cheese was there. At least I had anticipated the confusion and the yellow wrappers have been stocked back into the shop already. I will make sure this does not occur again.
Join me now in the continuing saga of the PK/PS teachers inability to make sure that the children who are on the lunch list actually get their lunches. I am SO tired of these teachers complaining and fussing about how WE screwed up the delivery of the lunches that today I took matters into my own hands. We package the little ones lunches, we actually refer to them as the babies, in to-go boxes. Today, each to-go box was labeled with both the childs name and the teachers name in hopes of making lunch time easier on everyone involved. After lunch, I took a walk down to where the babies eat and talked to the Aides who are responsible for passing out the lunches that the teachers may or may not have bothered to add to the daily lunch list. I have made some friends in the Aides. They expressed many thanks to me for putting the names on. Apparantly I did indeed make lunchtime a happier experience today. I will take the time, from now on, to label the babies lunches in an effort to keep up the happy experience and to eliminate the annoyance I feel when I look down the hallway and see one of the PS/PK teachers headed in my direction.
Are any of you aware that you can bribe a small girl into cleaning up the garbage that the other kids didn't manage to put IN the garbage can with a lemon cupcake with frosting? I found this out today while cleaning up from lunch. There was a bit of a mess around the garbage can and Cassie was in the kitchen heating up her lunch. She was in and out and she and I were chatting a little. I asked her if she would mind cleaning up the mess while she waited and that I would pay her with my last lemon cupcake if she would. Shes a cute little one, 2nd grade I think. I have carried her heated lunches down to her lunch area for her in the past and she and I chat. I am really enjoying getting to know the little ones at the school. They are so cute and when I have had enough, I get to go back to the shop. PERFECT!
I was gifted at school today with two candles because tomorrow is my birthday. They are from the two women I work with at lunch. Such sweeties they are. Bro and Rog gifted me with a Donald Duck T-shirt that matches the coffee mug they bought me for the shop. Mom and Daddy supplied me with my favorite pie, Lemon Meringue. YUMMY! When I got home I had a box awaiting me. What a wonderful book that my friend Eric sent me. If you are reading this *Thank you so very much, Eric.* He knows my passion for Haiku and gifted me with a guide to writing haiku which will be fantastic in my quest to finish my book of Haiku. Its not even my birthday yet,but I have certainly been treated well. Of course, I do like to say "To hell with Birthday day, lets make it Birthday week". *giggle*
After school lunch and once back at the shop, we got to work prepping a Thanksgiving Dinner for 200 that Bro is catering at Mom's Church this weekend. Thankfully, it was not just the 3 of us in the shop. We also had Mom, Daddy, and two of the Church Ladies there to help out.
I still managed to get out of the shop fairly early, especially for a Friday and was home at a very decent time.
scoop ya sooner or later,
~ shopgirl
Fast and Furious Friday today was all about the Burgers. Burgers wrapped in white or yellow paper. Plain in white, Cheese in yellow. So what happens when you run out of yellow wrappers before you are finished wrapping the Cheeseburgers? You improvise and wrap them in the only other papers you have and you mark them with a BIG C to indicate cheese. Sound reasonable? It certainly did to Bro and myself this morning. We didn't have time to go out for more yellow and I am all about being solutions based if I can.
Cut to the lunch line. Imagine, if you will, a long line of children and the constant repeating, Yes, I KNOW its in a white paper but I promise you it IS a cheeseburger. These poor confused children. I had to resort to unwrapping a couple to prove the cheese was there. At least I had anticipated the confusion and the yellow wrappers have been stocked back into the shop already. I will make sure this does not occur again.
Join me now in the continuing saga of the PK/PS teachers inability to make sure that the children who are on the lunch list actually get their lunches. I am SO tired of these teachers complaining and fussing about how WE screwed up the delivery of the lunches that today I took matters into my own hands. We package the little ones lunches, we actually refer to them as the babies, in to-go boxes. Today, each to-go box was labeled with both the childs name and the teachers name in hopes of making lunch time easier on everyone involved. After lunch, I took a walk down to where the babies eat and talked to the Aides who are responsible for passing out the lunches that the teachers may or may not have bothered to add to the daily lunch list. I have made some friends in the Aides. They expressed many thanks to me for putting the names on. Apparantly I did indeed make lunchtime a happier experience today. I will take the time, from now on, to label the babies lunches in an effort to keep up the happy experience and to eliminate the annoyance I feel when I look down the hallway and see one of the PS/PK teachers headed in my direction.
Are any of you aware that you can bribe a small girl into cleaning up the garbage that the other kids didn't manage to put IN the garbage can with a lemon cupcake with frosting? I found this out today while cleaning up from lunch. There was a bit of a mess around the garbage can and Cassie was in the kitchen heating up her lunch. She was in and out and she and I were chatting a little. I asked her if she would mind cleaning up the mess while she waited and that I would pay her with my last lemon cupcake if she would. Shes a cute little one, 2nd grade I think. I have carried her heated lunches down to her lunch area for her in the past and she and I chat. I am really enjoying getting to know the little ones at the school. They are so cute and when I have had enough, I get to go back to the shop. PERFECT!
I was gifted at school today with two candles because tomorrow is my birthday. They are from the two women I work with at lunch. Such sweeties they are. Bro and Rog gifted me with a Donald Duck T-shirt that matches the coffee mug they bought me for the shop. Mom and Daddy supplied me with my favorite pie, Lemon Meringue. YUMMY! When I got home I had a box awaiting me. What a wonderful book that my friend Eric sent me. If you are reading this *Thank you so very much, Eric.* He knows my passion for Haiku and gifted me with a guide to writing haiku which will be fantastic in my quest to finish my book of Haiku. Its not even my birthday yet,but I have certainly been treated well. Of course, I do like to say "To hell with Birthday day, lets make it Birthday week". *giggle*
After school lunch and once back at the shop, we got to work prepping a Thanksgiving Dinner for 200 that Bro is catering at Mom's Church this weekend. Thankfully, it was not just the 3 of us in the shop. We also had Mom, Daddy, and two of the Church Ladies there to help out.
I still managed to get out of the shop fairly early, especially for a Friday and was home at a very decent time.
scoop ya sooner or later,
~ shopgirl
At 19:30,
Anonymous said…
Getting in practice for being "Gramma Shopgirl"? Nice to be able to get them all sugared up and hand them back LOL
Well, it sounds like a really good beginning to your birthday weekend.
I, too, wish you a very happy birthday, and I hope you have the best weekend.
At 19:33,
shopgirl said…
No need for practice. THAT is gonna come naturally and my kids are fully aware that I intend to sugar my grandkids up and then give them back when I am tired. *giggle*
Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes.
~ shopgirl
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