Not The Ovens Fault.......
.....or the hood motor is burnt slap up.
Yeah, no baking today, but for once it is not the fault of the ovens. We have been having trouble with the hood fan for a week or so and apparantly it burnt slap up late last weekend. We now await the arrival and installation of the new hood motor so we can once again get back to baking. We have much to bake over the next few weeks, but most importantly, there are brownie bites to be baked for school lunch tomorrow.
I hope that the new motor will have been installed by the time I hit the shop tomorrow morning.
Geez, what a boring entry but its all I got.
Scoop ya soon,
~ shop-no baking today-girl
At 19:56,
Anonymous said…
Well, I'll take what's behind door #2 there shopgirl!
And what does, it all mean? I mean really? what does it all mean?!
Oh, sorry, was laughing myself silly ;)
At 19:57,
shopgirl said…
J(the good humour man)~
What does WHAT all mean?
and you were already silly, so dont blame the laughing now.
~ shopgirl <-- duckin and runnin
At 20:01,
Anonymous said…
Well ... < ForrestGump >Silly is as silly does< /ForrestGump >
I'll take watts behind door #1 (hopefully there will be the full legal limit)
At 20:07,
shopgirl said…
You can't rush a blogging entry. I will post no blog before its time.*giggle*
Sooner..or later..or when you least expect it but hopefully have a mouth full of drink. Those spit takes are priceless!
Perhaps you have already had the legal limit???
~ shop-not falling for it-girl
Don'tcha hate it when you put the wrong letters/numbers into the entry area and the blog software informs you that you are on the road to stupid?
At 20:11,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, yeah, I know - you are simply waiting for the exact right time to get me to clean my monitor again....
As for the legal limit - I actually have two! (and a half) but can only use one at a time ;)
and yes, I hate when that happens ... and then when it happes twice in a row - oh man, you're more than simply on the road to stupid LOL
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