.......or no sauce.
Lunch today was Baked Ziti. This is pasta with sauce and cheese. I can't change that. I didn't invent it. This same dish has been served for lunch at the school for going on 3 plus years now. So why is it that I get a lunch returned today with an aide attached to it, asking me to please send down the "no sauce" version of this dish? I had to tell her that the sauce is the essense of the Baked Ziti and there was no "unsauced" version of this dish, nor had there ever been. She seemed a bit surprised, but it seems that she got todays lunch confused with Angel Hair Pasta day, when there is indeed a choice of sauce, butter or no sauce at all.
Work with the lunch lady, people.
Speaking of sauced....I found this great new (well, new to me anyways) Captain Morgan Rum. It is SO much better than the original. I have found my new rum and I wasn't even looking. Go figure, eh?

Captain Morgan Tattoo: Tattoo is crafted from fine, aged, Puerto Rican black rum blended with a combination of premium and hot spices. The result is a startling “sweet-to-heat” taste experience. Not only does Tattoo taste great straight, it’s also extremely versatile with mixers and the old standby, cola.
Scoop ya later,
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