Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Nov 7, 2005

Pleasureable Peach Poundcake......

......or perfect peach pangs.

Have you ever had Peach Poundcake? Fresh, heavenly,laced with Peach Schnapps,Peach Poundcake. If you ever get the chance, do NOT pass it by. Bro and I made Peach poundcake today. Currently, in the shop, there are at least 6 big loaves and 8 small loaves of Peach Poundcake. I guess technically, the small loaves are not "Pound"cake since it would take several of them to actually make a pound, but work with me here, k? *giggle*
The sad part about this whole thing is that I did not bring Peach Poundcake home. I know that Peach Poundcake is for paying customers. I have a feeling that I will become a paying customer before the weekend. I am craving Peach Poundcake as I type. This can not be good. LOL! Seriously, if you get the chance to try it, do so. I do not think you will be dissapointed.
(no, no,no, do not send your orders to: *WEG*)

Other than the torture of the fresh peach poundcake it was a basic Monday. 125 grilled cheese sandwiches grilled first thing, Fresh Tomato/Basil soup set to blend flavours and Hot peach crisp in the oven.

Q: What did one knife say to the other?

Scoop ya later,

~shop-I want my Peach Poundcake-girl


  • At 19:25, Blogger shopgirl said…

    Ebearic ~

    While that answer does indeed work, it is not the one I was looking for. *giggle* After all, it IS my blog.

    There is humour on my site? I wonder who let THAT in?!?

    ~shop-humour-girl ( that anything like the good humour man?)

  • At 08:42, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What can I say... in for a penny, in for a pound (cake) ;)

    the J(JustPeachy)Man


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