Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Mar 11, 2006

I've Been Scoop'd!

Yesterday afternoon I became aware of the noise associated with a UPS Truck coming down the street and glanced up, fully expecting him to pass by. Afterall, I KNOW that I have not ordered anything lately. Much to my surprise, the truck stops here. Curious to see what I have ordered that I don't know I have ordered, I meet the guy at the door, surprising him to the point that he juggles the box but manages to catch it before it hits the ground. I give him a 10 for style under pressure! LOL! Poor guy! I guess he wasn't expecting a wild-eyed blonde to yank the door open BEFORE he rings the bell.

We laugh, he hands over the box, we exchange "have a nice afternoons", he retreats to his truck and I hurry inside to find a knife to get the box open. There is nothing on the box to indicate what is inside so I am absolutely beyond puzzled at this point. Once I am finally into the box, I am met with copious amounts of green packing peanuts, which I now must dig through. I finally locate within the peanuts, an odd shaped package wrapped in brown paper and proceed to quickly open it.

My reward is pictured below.


Are these not the most awesome scoops around? I LOVE them! It should not be a big shocker to anyone who reads here that I am obsessed with scoops. I am especially taken by the unusual scoop. I have heard rumor that there is a heart shaped scoop. I have yet to begin my search for it, but if its out there, I will find it.

What a most unexpected surprise to have these scoops show up at my house without warning. A friend, knowing my passion (read obsession) for scoops, sent them to me. Thank you, so very much! I do Love them and will totally enjoy using them in my baking.


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