Thursday Thirteen.....
.......13 Things I Do Before Going to Bed.
- Lock doors.
- Feed cats.
- Check to see if the stove is turned off.
- Put the last few dishes into the dishwasher and start.
- Turn off fishtank light.
- Shut off TV.
- Check to make sure the doors are locked.
- Turn off computer.
- Unlock door to garage and make sure the light is off, close and relock.
- Adjust A/C for the night.
- Check to make sure doors are locked.
- Call for Smokey and Kitten to come to bed.
- Say Goodnight.
At 11:09,
Rudy said…
1. Say goodnight ;-)
2. set the coffee maker for the morning
3. put the Pack outside on more time
4. give them their dental cleaning snack when they come in
5. check the garage lights
6. lock the door
7. make sure the thermostat is set to warm the house before I wake up
8. stack dishwasher (run if needed)
9. turn out lights
10. brush teeth and take meds
11. sync macbook with imac and pull up Neal Schon playlist and adjust volumes
12. scratch the dogs heads and turn out the lights
13. say prayers.
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