Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Nov 23, 2006

Thursday Thirteen....

.....Thankfuls For.

  1. Health, yeah, I know everyone says that, but seriously, living is good, and dying, not as good, so it IS very important.
  2. My Family, inspite of the dysfunction that runs rampant, especially during the holidays.
  3. The Boy (love ya)
  4. The Girl (mean it!)
  5. The Fiance *the Girl's, not mine* (<3)
  6. My Friends, I hope you know who you are and how important you are to me.
  7. Beautiful weather. (not bragging, just saying.)
  8. Pink, my signature colour.
  9. The Car Bar (very important for family parties!)
  10. Dinner at someone else's house (thus, no clean up for me, heh heh!)
  11. Creme Brulee (YUM!)
  12. That there is nothing out there that I need badly enough to cause me to venture into a store on Friday. (no offense to anyone who loves to shop on Black Friday)
  13. Kitties, even though they attempt to push me off the king size bed every night.

~ Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


  • At 10:40, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am thankful for a few of these same things, even tho they didn't make it into my own T-13 list.

    Great list.

    The Invisible Man

  • At 01:11, Blogger Mrs. B said…

    The California king size bed, in fact. Remind them they don't have it that two furry fourteen-pounders have to share a queen with me and the Fiance!


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