Thursday Thirteen
- We got you at the salvation army for $.50.
- You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose , but you can't pick your friends nose.
- If you had been a boy we would have named you Cecil Lawerence.
- Just because grandma worked in a glass factory, doesn't mean you are transparent.
- I was watching that. (when we change the tv channel if he appears to be sleeping)
- No,I was checking my eyes for light leaks. (when we call him on the fact that he is indeed sleeping)
- I have something in my eye. (when we giggle at his emotions during a show.)
- Haaaaah? (don't quite know how to spell that, but picture him with his hand at his ear, glaring, cuz he didn't hear what was said)
- Don't have a "kicky-kacky". (grandmas definition of an extreme temper tantrum.)
- The cops used to wait for me at night and drive me home.
- Where's mine? (usually said when the grandkids get a present and no one gives him one.)
- Whatcha got there? (said as he cozies up to a person who has something good to eat.)
- Noooo, that was an elephant under the chair.
~ giggle
At 17:58, Anonymous said…
OK, Dad-isms, huh?
1. What kinda tree is that? (said while pointing to a tree in the woods behind our house)
2. A dead one. After we've struggled at trying to name the tree in question by naming every variety of tree we know is in said woods.
3. Tell me when you see the next mile marker (while driving on the highway to keep us quiet)
4. Oh, look, a DAIRY QUEEN!
5. The doctor told me to watch my weight, so I got it out in front of me so I could
6. Let's go into the basement (when *I* was about to get lectured about my weight)
7. Fish tremble at my name
8. Stand back (after pouring gasoline on the charcol, just before throwing a lit match into the grill) - yes, this is the man that sold fire protection equipment later in life.
9. I invented that! (said usually during infomercials)
10. No, I have something in my eye
11. You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body (after one of us couldn't find something that he walks right up to and finds)
12. Get me a left handed monkey wrench.
13. Wow! Listen to those barking spiders!
At 22:14, Anonymous said…
LMAO! Those are totally Grandpa, Mom! Love 'em!
Love, Jenna
At 11:18, shopgirl said…
Fun to remember the Ism's that were so much a part of growing up, eh?
Hope you have a Happy Fathers Day.
At 11:19, shopgirl said…
I KNEW you would relate to most if not all. Grandpa sure is funny, isn't he? Gotta love him.
Love ya, see ya soon.
At 11:22, shopgirl said…
Awwww, are you sure you won't ask Ian to list his T-13 for the week in honour of Fathers Day? It might be fun. Well, fun for us anyways. *giggle*
Mine are the essense of Daddy. There are a million more, but those were the most common.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day.
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