Talk Scoop Tuesday
You may have surmised after listening to my audio blog that I have had an encounter with ANTS. You would be absolutely correct if that is the conclusion you came upon whilst listening.
This house was built on land that formerly was graced with the presence of many Date Palm Trees standing tall, their wonderful fan-like fronds gently dancing in the hot breeze. The Palms were eventually all removed to make way for houses, which now line the streets, albeit not as regally as the Palms once did. The Palms were taken from this place, however the ANTS that built their lives beneath the trees remain to this day.
Throughout the 17 years I have lived in this house, I have periodically done battle with the ANTS as they invade my space, looking for whatever it is they are looking for. This weekend was the beginning of the fun for this year.
Saturday morning I awaken to The Boy saying "mom, I have ANTS". I am groggy due to the fact that I have just been ever so rudely yanked from my sleep as well as the extreme condition where I have too much blood in my caffeine system. I have no idea what is going on and attempt to question him. "You have what in your room?" I am at this point hoping that I am dreaming or at least have mistakenly heard the word "ANTS". I have no such luck and I drag myself out of bed to view the nice, orderly line of red ANTS marching across his room from their apparent entrance point in the hallway.
Sigh! The remedy is of course to spray and vacuum. The Boy deserves props because he did indeed do the bulk of the work. Once the immediate threat of being bitten by these annoying little pests is gone I go off in search of some caffeine and hope that I have seen the last of the ANTS.
Yeah! That's gonna happen as the ANTS apparantly scheduled a repeat performance, albeit in a different location, late Saturday night in Jens room as she is preparing to go to bed. Now, I didn't want to see ANTS at 0930 hours so you can imagine how much I do not want to see ANTS at 2330 hours. One small, orderly line originating from her closet to an actual source, a dead cricket under her bed. This was quickly dealt with and for the rest of the weekend the house remained ANT-free.
Or So I thought! Silly Shopgirl!
This morning, as I am driving The Boy to school, he unzips his backpack to discover.....YES, you are correct, not that there could possibly BE any other answer. ANTS! GAH! We don't factor in any time to return to the house when planning out the morning trip to school. The Boy says he will just brush them off once he gets to school, so we continue on and I drop him off and return home.
I haven't been in the house for any longer than approximately 15 minutes when I get the first of many texts on my cell giving me the 411 on the numerous ANTS in his backpack, does he have a reserve backpack and can I please bring it to him and take away the ANT-infested current backpack. By 0930 I am back home, having orchestrated the backpack exchange and removal of the ANTS in the backpack I returned with. For your own future reference the ANTS are not fond of the homework, just the open bags of Spicy Doritos. Who knew that ANTS go for the spicy, eh?
Okay ANTS, I am tired of you. Go bug the neighbors, k?
~ work with me, please?!?
At 18:56, Anonymous said…
Well at least it's ants, and not Aunts ;) invading your house!
But seriously. Ants - yech... no fun, not even mildy entertaining - even in one of those ant farm thingys they used to try to get us kids to con our parents into buying!
I hope that you can dispatch these pesky pernicious pests, pronto!
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