Coke Blãk
The first taste of Coke Blãk is almost citrus-like which promptly turns to a very bad coffee flavor that lingers and is immediately joined by the sickening sweet yet slightly bitter taste of aspartame. This is not a good combination by any strech of the imagination.
I can't say that I am dissapointed because I truly questioned Coke's sanity concerning the odd combination of coffee and carbonation with an aspartame chaser. I didn't expect it to be good but was intrigued enough to have to sample it. Thankfully I found it at the gas station where I could purchase just one bottle because I would have been really unhappy to have spent $6.99 for 4 bottles that tasted this disgusting.
Try Coke Blãk
The real fun was in getting the two teenage boys in the car to try it. Watching them scramble to wash away the taste with their own normal drinks was quite hysterical. The consensus is that Coke Blãk is weird. Or is that Coke BLECH!
~ Bass washes away Blãk!
At 22:34, Anonymous said…
So you finally tried it? I'm glad. That way I don't have to suffer the indignity of tryin to wipe my tounge clean after tasting it.
Thanks for being the guinea ...
At 19:29, Anonymous said…
thanks for the review.... the girls were trying to convince me to seek and purchase.. coke with coffee & aspertame (which, did you know, is used in greater quantity than up north per ounces served???) blech? thanks for the review...
saved me 6.99!!!
tree girl
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