Due to the response from Jenna to my Thursday Thirteen I felt the need to share with you, my loyal readers. It is hysterical. I begin with my comeback to her comment about what was in my purse that day. I had only included 13 things in my purse. I had left out only about 4 things. She responded with a list of at least 25 items that reside in her purse, AT ALL TIMES!
Okay, that IS a lot of stuff for your purse. Is this the perfect little black purse that we both have?
If so.....GAH!
Either I am slacking or you have a way with packing. (ohhh, I made a rhyme! heh heh!)
The picture below is indeed BOTH our purses. Twins, if you will. Albeit one of them much more expertly packed than the other. Andrew says: "Jenna's is experienced"! Jenna's purse is on the left. I believe that Jenna is SO much more "in omnia paratus" than I am!
~ She IS the better packer!
At 09:23, Anonymous said…
Well, honestly, the purse on the left looks like it could stand to go on an excersize regimine - or at least cut back on the carbs.
Hey - Did they put the cookies and bread anywhere near that purse on the way home?
At 00:06, Anonymous said…
Whenever anyone needs a pair of scissors, emergency stain removal, or a quick prayer session...I'm prepared! I can't tell you how many times all of my crap has come in handy at work!
But wait...where did my bandaids go? And my pepper spray! I think my purse actually digested them, for they are nowhere to be found!
~ Jenna
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