Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Mar 31, 2006

Who Says Nothing In Life Is.....

.........Free!? Only While Supplies last!

Available @ Think Geeek

Yes, you read it right, but don't be fooled, this is a special deal for a limited time only! Be part of the exclusive club of geeks who own this one-of-a-kind t-shirt with our patented embedded RFID-blocking technology! Hurry up though, this offer is only good through Monday April 3, 2006 or while supplies last.

Why would you want your very own RFID-blocking t-shirt? Well to protect yourself from prying scanners of course. In the event of a privacy emergency, simply cut out the RFID "blocking" device and place on top of the RFID chip being scanned. The result is peace of mind in an instant, for only the cost of a gaping hole in your shirt.

So hurry up and get our limited edition RFID Blocking Kit T-shirt.

Some important-type stuff you'd better read

  • This offer is only good while our supply RFID blocking shirts last. We'll try to have a bunch of shirts, but if we run out, you're outta luck. So, hurry and get your free shirt now!
  • You can purchase this shirt if you don't want to buy $15 worth of other products. Just add it to your cart, and check out.
  • This is a limited edition shirt. This is your one chance to get this special shirt, and for free even! w00t!
  • This promotion is valid until 11:59pm Eastern Time, April 3, 2005, or while supplies last. Only one free shirt per order.
    Because this is a limited edition shirt, we're sorry but there are NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES.
~ gonna get one from Think Geek?


  • At 13:03, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm the CFTBL. Why would I need that? Do you think I am some sort of cosmonaut!

  • At 13:41, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not gonna mess with them nasty RFID (actually, the first time I read it I thought you were saying RIF'd - but that's another problem)

    Of course, dang near everything I buy today has one of them there RFIDs on it

    Looks like I'm a gonna need a passle of them shirts!



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