Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Feb 23, 2006

Thursday Thirteen.....

..... These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things!

  1. coffee
  2. the colour pink
  3. donald duck
  4. shoes (a girl can never have too many shoes!)
  5. books
  6. my laptop computer
  7. gilmore girls
  8. ipod mini (pink, of course)
  9. fires in the fireplace
  10. laughter (yeah, yeah, its not a thing, work with me here)
  11. haiku
  12. my oval saucepan
  13. merlot
What are YOUR favorite things?

scoop ya soonest,

~ shopgirl


  • At 17:21, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My favorite things...sorry I can't say in mixed company

  • At 17:26, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, ok...I will end the suspense...

  • At 18:20, Blogger shopgirl said…


    One that can't say in mixed company.
    Another that says I know.

    What's next?

    ~ shopgirl

    And completely off topic, the letters for the word verification spell out spaz! What's up with THAT?

  • At 19:17, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, in NO particular order....

    My Golden Retriever, Rosie
    My daughter


    oh yeah....

    My bestest friend!


  • At 19:18, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, sorry, that wasn't 13 ... my bad



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