It's Off To The Races.......
.....The M.O.W.* Races, that is.
Each morning at the shop we line up on one side of the table and fill anywhere from 45-55 "to-go" containers with the days M.O.W. (*Meals On Wheels) lunch . This usually takes us about 10-15 minutes. Oddly enough, the fewer of us there are present for the day, the less time it seems to take to get the containers filled. This continues to perplex my blonde shopgirl brain. I am not, however, loosing any sleep over it.
After the containers are filled and closed they are put into the hot oven to wait until time to deliver. Once it is time, two transport containers are readied and Rog and I take our places on opposite sides of the table. Rog pulls the hot trays of food out of the ovens and we carefully put them into the transport containers.
A few weeks back, after I had filled my container with the hot meals and closed it up, I threw my hands up into the air to indicate VICTORY! Rog looks at me like I have lost my mind (well duh, I am the resident blonde, and I do tend to make things up as we go) and then starts to crack up when I say to him "oh, did I forget to tell you that we are now racing when we do this?", "oopsie". LMAO! Poor guy! NOT!
There is a slight problem, in that one of the containers we use to transport the hot lunches does not close w/o a bit of trouble. My mother has gone so far as to suggest that I mark that container so that I know which one it is and can always get that one. THATS my kind of help, I am telling you! LOL! I have not taken her advise because I want to play fair, plus I seem to win about 3 out of every 5 days anyways.
It's all good.
We have fun.
My job is done!
Scoop ya soonest!
~ shop-victory-girl
At 18:40,
Anonymous said…
You are getting WAY to caught up in the Olympics. Sounds like Luge MOW - or is that head first - so it's skeleton MOW?
At 18:59,
shopgirl said…
Is THAT what it is? I am SO caught up in the olympics that I had to invent MOW-olympics? LMAO!
is that luge-er or luger? do ya need a sled or some bullets?
At 21:25,
shopgirl said…
LOL re: One, Two, Tree!
She's not in third place in my book. She's a doll and ranks.
I know you are kidding, btw!
~ shopgirl
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