The Let's Make A Deal Fridge.......
.....or the HORROR That Lurks Within!
In our busy kitchen, as in every kitchen, the need to clean out what lurks in the back, on the bottom shelf, becomes a necessity. Today was the day that it became necessary.
We have a 3-Door fridge in the shop. I fondly refer to this fridge as the "Let's Make A Deal" refrigerator. The doors are actually labeled "Door # 1, Door #2 and Door #3" so who can blame me for taking creative license with this?
I have been known to ask if what is needed can be found behind "Door # 1, Door #2 and Door #3" in my best Gameshow voice. These antics are always rewarded with howls of laughter. I even do the graceful hand flourishes for effect!
I have NO idea how long it has been since we have cleaned it out but the HORROR'S that came forth from that fridge were beyond belief. I was tasked to be in the dishroom, to receive the disgusting containers that needed to be rinsed out. Luckily, Bro was doing the initial removal of the contents before they got to me. Well, for the most part.
My niece, Missy Megz, was in the shop this afternoon and she was tasked to bring me the containers to be rinsed. I am sure, by the looks of HORROR on her face that she was just thrilled to have this job! giggle! She's probably gonna think twice before heading over to the shop when she has a free couple hours!
Missy Megz brought me a stack of containers, the top one looking quite suspect (Bro is laughing in the background as she brings it in to me). I am frightened. I open it slightly, GASP, close it quickly and yell....
"WHAT is THAT!"!
"WHAT is THAT!"!
The most vile, disgusting GREY BLOB in a slightly Grey-er sauce screamed out at me as I opened that container. After I yell out, Bro erupts into hysterical laughter! What a BRAT he is. I am resigned to the fact that the only way this is getting cleaned out is to open it and deal with it, so I brace myself for the worst and open the container once again. I look closely and what I see can only be described as something out of a Science Fiction Flick. It is this grey mass that slightly resembles a slimy, over-developed Grey oyster out of its shell. I dump off the slightly Grey-er sauce and quickly dump that slimy "oyster" into the garbage.
I then head out to the Let's Make A Deal Fridge area, where my Bro is still convulsing in hysterical laughter. ( I hope next time he wets himself!) I ask him "WHAT was that?" Now, who would have ever thought that Teriyaki Sauce with Cornstarch added to thicken the sauce could ever turn into that vile, disgusting mass that had poor shopgirl hearing "The Twighlight Zone" music in her head?
We have not laughed as hard as we did today in a while. It's good to let loose and just have a blast once in a while. I am SO not looking forward to the next time we need to clean that out, but at least we all have the promise of a fun time and a bedtime story, eh? My BIGGEST regret is that I totally spaced on taking a picture of the aforementioned HORROR! DAMN!
Scoop ya sooner,
~ shop-no longer horrified-girl
At 19:49,
Anonymous said…
"Do not be alarmed. We have taken control of your refrigerator. We control the cold. We control the heat. We control the frost. We will take you from the inner working of the refrigerator to...
The Outer Limits.
Oh man, that grey blob sounded just like something out of something on the SciFi channel.
At 20:25,
Joe said…
What a fun post! Too funny - Would have loved to see a photo... hee hee!
At 19:58,
Jeff in NC said…
Awwww, we wanted pics! I love the "Let's Make A Deal!" name! Hahahaha.
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