Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Mar 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen....

..... seeking the prize.

1. Surprise Delivery

2. First Peek Inside

3. What is under the paper?

4. Another Box!

5. Cute Mickey Box with Bow.

6. Cute Mickey Paper inside Cute Mickey Box with Bow

7. Yet Another Box!

Now we know what is inside the box!

9. This is taking a long time to get to the prize.

10. A Styrofoam "box" well taped

11. Almost Free!

12. My Prize!
{TY so much!}

13. Orey's Prize!
What is it with cats and empty boxes?


  • At 11:15, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    quakcers! 5 minutes to reply back... set yr timer .... QUACK!!! LOL

    cute.... very cute
    says she home with a really awful cold!

  • At 12:39, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW, what a cute kitty that came in that box. Oh, what? ooh, yeah, the timer. Nice.

    That is really cool.


  • At 19:37, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Boxes are cool for cats (no pun intended) but paper bags are cooler!!!!!



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