Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Oct 25, 2006

WTF Wednesday!?!

Do you think the Blind Drivers know
which way the arrow is pointing?

Nice that they warn the sighted drivers but do tell...
How is this a good thing?

~ be careful out there!


  • At 15:52, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This can only end badly...

    Most likely the blind drivers will sue the state for signage that fails to allow access to the roads

    And so, this begs the question, if the he walks in front of a blind driver will The Invisible Man still be run over?

    The Invisible Man

  • At 17:27, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OY!!! It's the snow... cuz ya know what snow does to all those blind drivers... says she who just spent 650 and change on snow tires for the speedy Taurus 24 V- DOHC baby! ... sigh..

    and ya know... if they had just had the sign in Braille too... it would have helped immensely!


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