Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Sep 13, 2006

WTF Wednesday!?!

Old Guy With Cane Tripping Zone, Stage Left.

As if the old guy doesn't have enough problems, now there is an actual area where one should go to trip him. I figure if it was a No Tripping Old Guy With Cane area, there would be that unpleasant red circle with the red slash. Alas, there is neither. Poor Old Guy!

~ what do YOU think?


  • At 14:07, Blogger Mrs. B said…

    Old people who want to drop it like it's hot, get freaky-deaky, or get down with their bad selves...go left.


  • At 19:51, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm thinkin... "HEY! BLIND PEOPLE!!" (done to the Aerosmith tune of course.... ) WALK THIS WAY!!!

    oh... but they're blind and can't see the damn sign!!!

    got her own freaky deaky thing happenin!


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