Thursday Thirteen.....
......words or phrases I say often.
(Perhaps TOO often.)
- WTF?
- Seriously.
- That's Awesome.
- You sure you are getting up? (seriously, are you getting up, Jen?)
- What do you want for dinner? (I love the answer which is usually, "I don't know, what do you want?)
- Coffee...I need coffee.
- Fine.
- Bite me!
- When come back, bring pie!
- bastards!!
- I already fed you. (said to kitten many times every evening as he tries to convince me that I have NOT yet given him tuna )
- I need a drink.
- I'm tired.
At 21:51,
Mrs. B said… are mine:
13. Boo [whatever's annoying me at the time]...hooray beer!
12. No! It's not dinnertime! (to the cats)
11. Yeah, I'm getting up. (even though I'm usually not)
10. Totally.
9. Awesome.
8. Hey you. (every time Andrew calls or walks in the room)
7. Holy crap!
6. WTF, mate?
5. I love you too. (when Andrew says something to which I apparently wasn't paying attention)
4. Come here, Stinky! (to the cats)
3. Ay, pobrecito!
2. *sniffle* (new for the past day)
1. *cough* (new for the past few days)
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