Thursday Thirteen
ran·dom (răn'dəm)
Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
- drama. drama.drama.
- pr3sid3n7ial mo7orcad3 *waves to ECHELON
- 19 missed calls
- tile shard in the eye *OUCH! Thats gonna sting a while.
- the sentinel *worth the price of popcorn and a drink
- blogger down *AGAIN, or is that STILL?
- red light spinning
- floating fish
- sleep deprivation
- screw top wine *pretty good
- iTunes "just for you" *this could get expensive
- Alias returns *4 episodes remain
- cell phones
~ what's your random?
At 16:57, Anonymous said…
Hmmm, a random 13 things, huh?
1. Job Interviews
2. Walk in the park
3. Picnic without food or ants
4. Airports at o-dark-15
5. Wooden boat books
6. Requests for money
7. Lawn Mowing (mine, not hers)
8. Accidental dialing
9. Air Force 1 and restricted airspace in Vegas (at least that's the rumor and ... yes, hello echelon)
10. Flying Kites
11. More requests for more money
12. Driving across the bridge at 0-dark-thirty - both ways
13. Did I mention requests for money?
At 18:35, shopgirl said…
I'd explain, but I am guessing it just doesn't matter.
At 23:23, Anonymous said…
You killed a fish! *sigh*
~ Jenna
At 06:47, shopgirl said…
LMAO! @ Jenna.
I did NOT kill the fish. I am TOTALLY blaming Orey!
heh heh
At 07:55, Anonymous said…
Are you sure it wasn't the Pr3s1d3n7'5 Mo7orcad3 that killed the fish? (hello again, Echelon - or is is Carnivore?)
This could be more fun than "Clue" ;)
At 19:13, Anonymous said…
damn! ( can I say damn on yr blog?? I always miss 13 by one day... I hate that! Echelon... snort! who's the sigint demon around here...
At 19:45, Anonymous said…
it wasnt a roof tile it was a piece of roof that got in my eye as a put my mask on to check the attic for fire.
gosh get it right
At 19:33, shopgirl said…
heh heh! Of course you can say DAMN on my blog!
At 19:35, shopgirl said…
Cut me some slack, eh? Glad the eye is better, btw, regardless of what foreign object was embeded in it.
love ya,
mean it!
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