Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Apr 27, 2006

Thursday Thirteen


ran·dom (răn'dəm)
Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.

  1. drama. drama.drama.
  2. pr3sid3n7ial mo7orcad3 *waves to ECHELON
  3. 19 missed calls
  4. tile shard in the eye *OUCH! Thats gonna sting a while.
  5. the sentinel *worth the price of popcorn and a drink
  6. blogger down *AGAIN, or is that STILL?
  7. red light spinning
  8. floating fish
  9. sleep deprivation
  10. screw top wine *pretty good
  11. iTunes "just for you" *this could get expensive
  12. Alias returns *4 episodes remain
  13. cell phones

~ what's your random?


  • At 16:57, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmm, a random 13 things, huh?

    1. Job Interviews
    2. Walk in the park
    3. Picnic without food or ants
    4. Airports at o-dark-15
    5. Wooden boat books
    6. Requests for money
    7. Lawn Mowing (mine, not hers)
    8. Accidental dialing
    9. Air Force 1 and restricted airspace in Vegas (at least that's the rumor and ... yes, hello echelon)
    10. Flying Kites
    11. More requests for more money
    12. Driving across the bridge at 0-dark-thirty - both ways
    13. Did I mention requests for money?


  • At 18:35, Blogger shopgirl said…

    I'd explain, but I am guessing it just doesn't matter.

  • At 23:23, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You killed a fish! *sigh*

    ~ Jenna

  • At 06:47, Blogger shopgirl said…

    LMAO! @ Jenna.

    I did NOT kill the fish. I am TOTALLY blaming Orey!

    heh heh

  • At 07:55, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you sure it wasn't the Pr3s1d3n7'5 Mo7orcad3 that killed the fish? (hello again, Echelon - or is is Carnivore?)

    This could be more fun than "Clue" ;)


  • At 19:13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    damn! ( can I say damn on yr blog?? I always miss 13 by one day... I hate that! Echelon... snort! who's the sigint demon around here...

  • At 19:45, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it wasnt a roof tile it was a piece of roof that got in my eye as a put my mask on to check the attic for fire.
    gosh get it right

  • At 19:33, Blogger shopgirl said…


    heh heh! Of course you can say DAMN on my blog!

  • At 19:35, Blogger shopgirl said…



    Cut me some slack, eh? Glad the eye is better, btw, regardless of what foreign object was embeded in it.

    love ya,
    mean it!


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