Shopgirl's Scoop

Pronunciation: 'skūp
Function: noun
1. a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food
2. information especially of immediate interest

Feb 4, 2006

What if...

....there IS no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.

Did the last few posts feel Groundhog Day-esque to anyone besides shopgirl? Seems I have gone a few rounds with blogger in the past 14 hours. It has been a case of having to do it over and over again, until SOMEONE got it right.

Hopefully all IS right in the shopgirl-blogger world for now.

~shop-thank goodness it works now-girl


  • At 14:26, Blogger shopgirl said…

    Ebearic ~

    Voice up to speed? I am talking as fast as I can. The glitch in the matrix is that as fast as I am talking, no one seems to be able to hear me.

    So this bears asking. (LOL, I said "bears")

    If shopgirl speaks and no one is in the kitchen to hear her, did she actually have anything worthwhile to say?

    kinda makes ya go "hmmmm???", doesn't it?


  • At 20:04, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, it depends on what shopgirl is baking - it might make me go "mmmmm-mmm"



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